Friday, October 11, 2013


“Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out going to the mountains is going home; that wilderness is a necessity...”

                                                                        John Muir

Seaside slopes
Catalina has many interesting outdoor activities which include hiking and mountain biking. Mount Orizaba located in the heart of the island is considered the highest elevation on Catalina with 2127 ft above sea level. The Island natural environment is being protected by a set or rules established by the Santa Catalina Island Conservancy. The conservancy was created in 1972 by Philip Wrigley, a wealthy chewing gum manufacturer who inherited his father's controlling interest.
Wrigley donated more than 85% of the shares to the conservancy in order to preserve the island's natural system for future generation to enjoy. One of the rules that help keep the environment clean is controlling the number of regular vehicles used on the island. The air quality in Catalina Mountains is way better than the one in Appalachia. You can enjoy camping in the Black Jack campground without worrying about the air you breath. In the Great Smoky Mountains, air pollution disrupt the mountain top view plus it threatens rare species in the area. Air pollution in the Appalachian mountains is mainly due to the dominance of coal industry on the region's economy. Catalina rely on tourism and is not an industrial area, there are no major pollutant sources on the island.