Friday, October 11, 2013


"The circuited city of the future will not be the huge hunk of concentrated real estate created by the railway. It will take on a totally new meaning under conditions of very rapid movement. It will be an information megalopolis."

                                                                                                         Marshall McLuhan

Avalon Community Church
Golf Carts in Avalon's Streets
Avalon Homes

The dictionary definition of the word Megalopolis is "A region made up of several large cities and their surrounding areas in sufficient proximity to be considered a single urban complex." Catalina has only one town that you can see most of it on foot. We will Compare the Island's city, Avalon, with one of the Megalopolis cities like Boston to observe the differences between the two.
Boston's advanced technological industry made the city a technopole center and many big companies such as "Liberty Mutual" is located in the city whereas in Avalon as mentioned earlier in Ch 3, old systems and technologies from ages ago are still in use. Clearly Catalina is not a Megalopolis city neither a technopole; however, it attract lots of students from the Mainland to study in the CIMI, Catalina Island Marine institute (Visit the CIMI Website here).
Despite the small number of people living in Avalon (The city pop. makes only 0.006% of Boston's pop.), it struggle to maintain the available natural resources. For example, freshwater availability on the island is uncertain due to the poor resource management; unlike Boston that has the lowest water consumption rates in the nation.