Friday, October 11, 2013

Ch 3: Sustainability

"Without environmental sustainability, economic stability and social cohesion cannot be achieved"
                                                                   Phil Harding

According to the publication titled "The Catalina Island Sustainability Plan and Action Items" published by the Sustainability Action Group in 2008, the Catalina Island is currently unsustainable. It still depend on diesel systems to generate electricity. Some of the challenges to make Catalina sustainable is the high demand on its natural resources and the lack of the economical sources to introduce new sustainable technology.

During my stay on the island, I noticed the main transportation method for residents are Golf Carts. They have few regular cars on the island and I thought its a clean way of transportation; however, I did some research later and discovered those carts still uses fossil fuels to run. 

The Sustainability Action Group is aiming to introduce more environmental friendly options to the island such as electric vehicles to substitute the dependency on gas and diesel cars. Another goal is to generate green power to supply the Island's electrical needs. 
Some of the methods to generate clean power are: 
  • Ocean Energy.
  • Wind turbine.
  • Solar and Photo-voltaic system.