Monday, November 18, 2013

Ch 17: Pacific Northwest

“Everyone talks about the weather, but no one does anything about it.” 

                                                                                Mark Twain
The region's reputation weather wise is gray. When I hear Seattle, I imagine the cloud covering the sky at all time and heavy rain pouring 24/7. But climate is changing and the uneven pattern of rainfall and snowing causes instability and make the Pacific Northwest weather harder to predict. Generally, the Pacific Northwest has a wet, cool climate. However, inland's weather can be drier with more severe winters and warmer summers.
Seattle - Rain City
Photo taken by christian.bobadilla (

Fortunately, Catalina island is not in the Pacific Northwest region. It's location in California give it Mediterranean climate throughout the year. Warm and sunny days and cool evening breezes. The average temperature is 75 degrees during summer and 65 degrees during the winter. The fact that sun shines an average of 260 days a year is what make Catalina the perfect island destination.

Here is a comprehensive average weather report from : Average Weather For Avalon/Santa Catalina Island, California, USA